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One classic glass feeding bottles #ParentsOpinion

What are the one classic bottles?

Szklana butelka do karmienia kindaj z kolekcji one classic ma specjalnie wyprofilowany kształt i pokryta jest silikonem. Thanks to that is resistant to scratches, handy and does not slip while using. The silicone also protects the measure and logo against wiping. Glass is ecological, safe and does not color from food. Szklana butelka do karmienia one classic jest przeznaczona do użytku wyłącznie ze smoczkami one classic S / M / L / XL (antykolkowe, silikonowe). You can replace the teat with a bottle cap to create a glass container for storing food. 

Feeding bottle is easy to clean because it has wide-neck and is dishwasher safe. If the bottle falls and break silicone keeps the glass elements in “form”, which prevents them from splashing around the room.

Kindaj one classic bottle is available in two capacities of 120 and 240 ml and in two colors – Cream Pink and Gray Violet.

How do parents rate the one classic feeding bottle?

Rate: “Aesthetic and safe”
One classic glass bottles were perfect for us until the end of our adventure with formula milk. The bottles are easy to clean, and the silicone coating makes it easy for the baby to hold the bottle on its own. If it breaks down, all the elements fall inside, which is very important for a small child. In addition, the bottles look very aesthetic, and the measuring cup, despite constant use and washing, has not wiped off.
Paulina, @paula.myk, kulturoznawca, psycholog i pilot wycieczek. Mother of two-year-old Boris, currently working at home.

Rate: “We use it for a long time!”
We have been using the bottle for a long time and I can confidently say that it is the best bottle we have had so far, mainly because it is glass, which makes it easier to keep clean. Secondly, although it is a glass bottle, its weight is similar to the plastic ones and earlier, when we tried other companies’ glass bottles, they were just too heavy and slipped from the handles… thirdly, the glass bottle is covered with silicone on the outside, making it easier you hold it, and when the bottle falls, it keeps the glass inside. Well – we love it. I recommend it to every mother. Most importantly – although we have finished drinking the milk from this bottle, it does not mean that this bottle went to the trash. We use it further to store soups, mousses, etc. thanks to special caps. I love solutions that allow us to use a given thing for longer.
Justyna,, Mom of Ignacy

Ocena: “Polecam z całego serca”
Baby bottles one classic we have been using (my son of course) for almost 6 months. Without any fake, I recommend it with all my heart for 5 stars. I would never choose a plastic bottle again! Fun fact, my older son has already broken the bottle twice and it has never broken into a million pieces, the silicone has kept everything inside….a one bother less, thanks!
Oliwia, @oliwiasudomir, mom of two, dog Cezary and husband

Rate: “Perfect!”
The kindaj glass feeding bottle from the one classic collection is perfect for us. The bottle is silicone-coated, which makes it pleasant to touch and does not slip out of small hands. It is very tight and you can be sure that the milk will not spill from it. Moreover, the bottle is easy to clean as it is dishwasher safe. An additional advantage is the great modern design. We recommend it to every mother.
Agata, @mama.nelki